Online Bible College

We have launched an Online Bible College!

Join our Online Bible College!


We run an online Bible College as of January 2024 where we will be studying the entire New Testament for 11 months every Saturday at 11 am for Australia (AEST) and Friday evenings at 6 pm for North America (PST), and 9 pm (EDT).


We will expose false doctrine and teachings of Churchianity and unlearn unbiblical church traditions. We will teach exactly what the Bible says without any denominational agendas.


This will be more than just a Bible College. We will tackle all the major subjects of the Bible, from prayer to faith and healing to deliverance. We will also look at the Greek and Hebrew words in the Bible and understand their original meaning for a greater understanding of scripture. We will develop a tight-knit team like David’s mighty men and create an online community where we can ask questions and grow in faith together.


The fees are: AUD 100/month (USD 65/month).
If paid upfront, it’s AUD 990(AUD 210 savings).


Matthew will be leading the classes, but we will also be having guest teachers from time to time.



If you would like to join us, simply email “sign me up” so we can get you enrolled!


[email protected]

God bless! – Alicia Morton

Sign up with your first and last name and what city/state/country you are from so we can get you registered!